So, you think you have a problem with alcohol, and want to know how to stop for good?
Here, the specialist alcohol and mental health clinicians at Ocean Hills Rehab share five top tips on on how to stop drinking.
1 Take the How Do I Know If I Have A Drinking Problem test: Answering these 10 easy questions will help you decide if you have a problem with alcohol that needs professional help.
2. Tell someone who will support you. Admitting that you’ve got a problem that you can’t solve is a huge relief, and is a crucial step in getting well. Make sure you tell someone who is not a ‘drinking buddy’ - you may not get the support you need.

3. Get medical advice: Before you put down the bottle, you need to make sure you’re medically safe, so seeing a doctor is important. Many heavy drinkers are physically dependent on alcohol and could need medical support to stop drinking alcohol safely. Check out the What Happens When I Detox From Alcohol blog for more info.
4. Clear the decks: Prepare to make big changes to your life. In recovery from addiction there’s a saying, “Nothing changes if nothing changes”. This will mean reviewing the people, places and things that trigger you, and being willing to make brave decisions to get and stay sober. Here’s some practical advice in our How To Get And Stay Sober: 10 Top Tips that can get you started.
5. Do the work: Sobriety is hard - we’re not going to lie - but it can be done, with the right support. With professionals by your side, learning the new skills and tools that you need to keep sober will dramatically increase the chances of creating your successful, sustainable life of sobriety. Take a look at our Staying Sober With Your Recovery Toolbox article for more.
If you're worried about your drinking or that of someone you love, give Elaine Atkinson - Ocean Hills Rehab founder - a call on 027 573 7744 for a confidential chat. Elaine has been sober for 17 years - read her story here.