Christmas means different things to different people. For many, it’s a time where a lot of alcohol is drunk, ruining relationships and turning festive memories sour.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. A sober Christmas can bring back the magic to a wonderful day spent with loved ones.
Here’s what a sober Christmas means to the Ocean Hill Rehab team, a dedicated group of addiction and mental health professionals, many of whom have lived experience of overcoming addiction.

Tips & tricks on how to have a sober Christmas
Waking up early with kids to watch their delighted little faces as they unwrap their much-long for pressies.
Being the person who doesn’t mind cleaning up the wrapping paper and washing the dishes. Being useful is a wonderful gift to others and yourself.
Being the sober driver for those who’ve had one too many drinks.
Reading kids their books and putting together their toys while other adults might be drinking.
Enjoying all the delicious food without alcohol messing with your appetite.
Being a peacemaker when the inevitable quibbles between family members start. It’s amazing what a bit of diversion can do to steer people in a different direction than conflict.
Remembering every single minute of a sober Christmas as your head hits the pillow at night.
Waking up the next day with no hangover, a clear head and no regrets, ready to enjoy summer with loved ones.
If you're worried about your drinking or that of someone you love, give Elaine a call on 027 573 7744 for a confidential chat.